Monday, October 15, 2012

We are told the galactic winds can clear entire galaxies;   such enormous power could rightly belong to only the galactic nucleus.  And this is true.  

In researching galactic winds on the net, I finally found what I was looking for. Researchers looked at the data for galactic winds and found that all 22 of the galaxies with winds were newly formed with many, many stars in dense proximity.  I began to think about how these winds originated.  

I have stated that a black hole does not exist and it does not.  What it is is an electromagnetic body that holds photons in a maze with strongly pressurized gas.  Researchers like the Nuker group have proposed that there is a ratio of weight between the galactic nucleus and the galaxy proper; the galactic nucleus being ½ of 1% of the galaxy.  At this point they found, the galactic nucleus goes quiessence.  All the formed globular clusters from the birth of the galaxy when the electromagnetic field was its densest and strongest, all the subsequent activity of jetting no longer occurs. The variations between the weight of the core and the galaxy are handled in a different way.  

Spiral galaxies are most tightly wound at their youngest.  As they age, their jetting lags their spirals relax, their core tao becomes sloppy.  Their center magnetic field degrades.  The tao we recognize as the loop of twisted material at the core.  I propose that all incoming matter that increase the ratio of core to galaxy is dealt with in a relaxed manner.  Since it can only be a small gas cloud, the tao is able eject this matter without the electric field needed to produce globular clusters.  The twisted loop does not need the electric field of enormous power to shape itself; it acts like a Roman at an orgy; reclining it blows this excessive energy outward horizontally along the galactic equator.  

As this path takes it through the densest part of the galaxy, its path should be obvious.  And it should be obvious it takes the path of least resistance.  This energy NASA has identified.  It is not the twin of a sun eaten, nor a planet that wandered too close and was repelled.  It is an action created by the nucleus as a response to an unbalance in the tao.  Scientists have postulated that only 10% of a gas cloud is absorbed by the nucleus and the other 90% must be the energy blown out by the nucleus at speeds which deny it any form except energy.  At the galactic rim we see these sudden appearances of novas which are the energy converting upon slowing to mass/matter.  There must be extraordinary amounts of gas exhausted by this formation of matter.  

I propose that aging spiral galaxies develop gas fogs at first around their equatorial region which has been seen in our Milky Way and identified vicariously.  As the galactic nucleus continues to age and blow out horizontally, more and more gas accumulates at the equatorial rim and spreads producing the gas cloud scientists have only identified in 2012.  The entire Milky Way is wrapped in a gas bubble shell.  This is due to the aging equatorial blow outs of gas along the galactic equator to the rim.  The enormous bubble shapes extending from the axial galactic alignments are the remnants of our youthful Milky Way creating globular clusters.  

Science discovery of the fact that the Milky Way is gas-cloud wrapped should solve the missing mass also.  These gases have long since cooled and are not easily detectable.  Are they our missing mass?  If there are so many gas-wrapped galaxies that they equate to 90% of the mass of the universe, consider the age.  

If our Milky Way is old, and blows out excess gas, and is losing pressure  needed to keep the electromagnetic field at the core stabilized, then if incoming gas clouds fail to arrive, the electromagnetic field itself could degrade into less strongly held matter.  

As it stands now, the galactic core blasts out only excess over what is needed for stability.  This blow out is what scientists term the galactic wind.  As the galactic core ages into the galactic wind stage, it blows at first more often which is what scientists found in the 22 dense galaxies.  The core has to act more often to a surplus by blowing.  As the surplus falls off and the balance of weight is achieved, it will blow less often and gas will begin to accumulate at the rims where scientists have noted many new young stars are found.  Birth products of the galactic wind.  

It is my proposal that this gas noted in its midway stage in such as the Sombero galaxy is a galaxy in progress toward becoming shrouded in gas; spiral galaxies are new, not old.  The aged disappear under a shell of blown out gas from the core.  To produce this shell would take a ongoing input that the core expels over time.  

The galactic wind therefore, is a planet perambulator and a solar chaperone. 

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