Saturday, July 6, 2013


Another late night idea from insomnia:  
What if Mercury/Venus are twin products of our sun, and then it follows that Earth and Mars are twin products.  

Hold your horses there, you say.  Everyone knows Venus and Earth are twins, but are they?  

Similar metal content, similar size

Not size but distance from the sun

Mercury has extremely large iron core

What exactly is the liquid core part of Mercury?  Which occupies 85% of Mercury?  

Without an atmosphere solar radiation strips hydrogen from the water molecule so why is water present?  is it being renewed from the interior?  

I suggest our variable superman star Sol, undergoes solar flaring one of which in the distant past created O Manuel’s Iron Core Sun, and is identified in Surface of the Sun by Michael Molina.  
I suggest the strength of these magnetic flares --R Duncan Magnetars--is what actually creates---creates---water in the interior of the planets.  As the magnetic flare subsides, the exposed planets are cosmically stripped of their exposed water and cease  being replenished by water from the deep core rock.  


These fast winds in the upper atmosphere--500 km as opposed to 5 km on the surface--are they the result of Venus being kicked into reverse rotation?  

The Earth ionosphere shrinks in the day due to solar radiation and expands at night due to the absence of solar radiation.  Venus might be said to do the same.  Lack of an internal magnetic field may be due to the absence of water build up from production  in the core.  I suggest water production from the core equals the water stripped from the surface.  

The dominant loss process for Venus' atmosphere is through electric force field acceleration. As electrons are less massive than other particles, they are more likely to escape from the top of Venus's ionosphere.[3] As a result, a minor net positive charge develops. That net positive charge, in turn, creates an electric field that can accelerate other positive charges out of the atmosphere. As a result, H+ ions are accelerated beyond escape velocity. Other important loss processes on Venus are photochemical reactions driven by Venus's proximity to the Sun. Photochemical reactions rely on the splitting of molecules into constituent atoms, often with a significant portion of the kinetic energy carried off in the less massive particle with sufficiently high kinetic energy to escape. Oxygen, relative to hydrogen, is not of sufficiently low mass to escape through this mechanism.

Less than 1/3 of Venus non-thermal loss due to cosmic wind stripping; also atmos is 2x (2 orders of magnitude) denser than Earth.  
There is criticism of this on the talk page but I do not understand the argument.  

One of the things the Venus Express — which left Earth in November 2005 and entered Venusian orbit in May 2006 — was to determine was whether at any point in the planet's 4.5 billion–year history it might have been a little wetter and thus a little more hospitable to life. To do this, the spacecraft recently began taking measurements of some of the trace gasses being given off by Venus, looking specifically for hydrogen and oxygen. If Venus was once wet, the ESA scientists knew, not only would the planet's heat cause any liquid water to flash evaporate into the atmosphere, but also the ultraviolet radiation streaming in from the sun would cause the H2O molecules to break down into individual atoms — two of hydrogen and one of oxygen. Those atoms could simply drift from the planet into space. If Venus is giving off twice as much trace hydrogen as oxygen, therefore, its source would clearly be water. And if it's consistently doing so after so many billions of years, that water may once have been plentiful.
That H2O signature, according to an ESA announcement on June 24, is precisely what the spacecraft found. What's more, it detected comparatively high levels of the isotope deuterium in Venus' upper atmosphere. Deuterium is a heavier form of hydrogen that is common in Earth's oceans and that would have too much mass to escape Venus' atmosphere. The presence of the isotope is one more sign that Venus was once a watery world.

Astrophysicist clarifies the Goldilocks position of Earth. Why does the Goldilocks position control water on the planet?  
The author says:  
This assumes that the planet isn’t gaining any heat from the Sun.  However if a planet is closer than a particular distance, the heat from the Sun would heat the planet by more than 300 watts per square meter.  This means that as long as the planet’s atmosphere is saturated with water vapor, there is no way for the planet to cool, since it would be taking in as much or more heat than it could possibly lose.  As a result, the planet can’t cool until the water in its atmosphere is baked off.

I say the water did not  ‘bake off’ here or anywhere else.  What happened is that the magnetic energy dispersed by flaring Sol has gradually weakened over recent universe time so that our steamy ‘water veil’ collapsed as liquid water onto the surface of the Earth.  

The Earth has literally oceans of reserve water in the deep crust, in majorite rock among others.  

Venus had a water veil.  I propose the creation of water in the deep core of Venus equaled the elimination of surface water into space.  I propose Venus is still creating water and it is being extruded into the surface where it is immediately dissipated.  This is one reason for the high deuterium count.  When Venus ceases its reverse rotation, and begins a rotation in agreement with Sol, the winds created by this reverse rotation will die, the extruded water will begin to collect and Venus will live as a terrestrial planet.  


The Maven mission to Mars due to launch later this year (2013) will calculate the deuterium ratio over time to discover the actual water content of early Mars.  We hopefully can then apply this information to Venus.  

The only body in the solar system to have plate tectonics--the only body for which scientists have claimed evidence of expansion (S W Carey) -- the only water-live planet we know of.  

Consider: Mercury and Venus, one evidently small and the other earth-size.  Earth and Mars, a duplicate in reverse of Mercury and Venus.  This leads to the idea that the Goldilocks band in Sol’s orbiting bodies is smack between Venus and Earth.  This Goldilocks band is where Sol’s influence creates a magnetic halo.  The effect was to produce water in the interior of the bodies inhabiting the halo.  This production of water was stored in the deep rocks leading to body expansion.  The original halo extended to Jupiter and has been receding since, perhaps 4 billion years ago.  

Perhaps the original expanded magnetic wrap thrown by Sol overwhelmed the planet Aztec (after S W Carey) now known as the asteroid belt.  This planet’s death provided the water claimed to have been deposited by comets.  The production of water inside the core of Aztec resulted in an expansion past recovery as proposed by Velikovsky.    

In envisioning this scenario, I see water-swollen Aztec orbiting outside the remaining inner rocky planets.  Mars would have resembled Earth in its interior production of water and in its size.  Perhaps Mars, Earth, Venus and even Mercury were closely related in size due to water production from the core.  Perhaps all inner planets were experiencing water production from the interior but too hot to retain it on the surface. The magnetic halo by our Sol  would put the water which levitates in 10 Tesla up off the hot surface into the cooler ionosphere.   This structure of a watery shell is known as a water veil.  This oddity is confirmed by science’s discovery that early Earth had lots of water, perhaps even a steam atmosphere that later was mysteriously substituted with total glaciation.  

This conversion from hot and dense to cold and thin has yet to be discovered and manipulated by our science.  Yet this was a key element in preserving Earth’s surface water.  

Aztec was exploded, bombarding the inner planets.  Sol’s halo recedes, and watery Mars is exposed to scouring cosmic rays that eliminate surface water and deny continual water production in the interior.  Result: dead Mars

If the Solar Magnetic Halo theory is correct then water production generated from Sol’s magnetic halo continues to produce water from the deep interior of Earth.  And from Venus’ interior.  And from Mercury’s interior.  This theory also predicts that the magnetic halo will continue to ebb with the result that Earth will fall from magnetic grace and be exposed to scouring cosmic rays and the cessation of deep core water production.  And Earth will shrink as the water makes it way to the surface.  The future of Earth is Mars.  

The good news is that Venus will be the new Earth.  

There are calculations that show a magnetar’s birth to death on the scale of 10,000 years with the possibility of flares after death.  (R Duncan)

In the future, an awakened Sol, zombie-like, could generate a new energy to increase the magnetic halo via a flare if not directed toward Earth would increase the ebbing halo and allow production of water inside the deep core to restart.  

In describing a while dwarf, the fate of 97% of all the stars in the universe, it seems the more science identifies the more complicated and varied and of course, not obedient to described law.  The C limit now seems possible to fall, the 1.4 solar mass.  Accretion from a nearby neutron star proposed to lead to fusion ignition or white dwarf into neutron.  Rotating and nonuniform exceptions to C limit.  Magnetic fields now proposed to be source of new chemical bonds.  Exceptions and qualifications and new discoveries abound.  Nevertheless, science’s security blanket the elusive gravity waves which must be disseminated by some form of new particle also not yet discovered which can’t be compression waves or magnetically sponsored are confirmed.
As if this is not sufficient fantasy, we are told about quark stars surpassing dense nuclear fluid.  sheesh.  

Since I don’t like the name Narf, let’s go with Solaris, after Sol; this new class of star, a magnetar with layered elements.  To discover only 8 white dwarfs locally when they are 97% means something is amiss and not just faint light because they are so small.   I can’t imagine a star cooling from 0 to 14 billion years.  And with no internal heat! There’s the perfect opportunity to id the missing Higgs, the source of white dwarf heat!  Much is made of the electron degeneracy pressure but atmos opacity now seems the primary in retained heat.  The article seems to lack only one item: that Sol has been identified as a product of a merged neutron and white dwarf.  A rose is a rose is a rose.  Excerpt: A white dwarf's stellar and planetary system is inherited from its progenitor star and may interact with the white dwarf in various ways.  

Inner pressurized structure a crystal:  
Although white dwarf material is initially plasma—a fluid composed of nuclei and electrons—it was theoretically predicted in the 1960s that at a late stage of cooling, it should crystallize, starting at the center of the star.[64] The crystal structure is thought to be a body-centered cubic lattice.[5][65] In 1995 it was pointed out that asteroseismological observations of pulsating white dwarfs yielded a potential test of the crystallization theory,[66] and in 2004, Antonio Kanaan, Travis Metcalfe and a team of researchers with the Whole Earth Telescope estimated, on the basis of such observations, that approximately 90% of the mass of BPM 37093 had crystallized.[64][67][68] Other work gives a crystallized mass fraction of between 32% and 82%.[69]

That is quite an idea isn’t it?  That the sun seems almost to have a two-step solar system?  
One consisting of a Beetle twin sun (At maximum size, Betelgeuse fills a volume of space that would extend from the Sun to beyond the orbit of Jupiter.) with a close hugging Jupiter trailed by Saturn (which Miles Mathis favors to be Earth-like), Uranus, Neptune etc.  

The Beetle sun novas, shrinks to Sol, and becomes layered with iron, silicon, carbon and neon veneers over a magnatar body of hugely twisted magnetic fields swirling in the most dense material possible, nuclear fluid.    O Manuel and M Molina.  The dirty gas residue creates the inner rocky solar bodies.  Voila!  the solar system is created only WAIT, there already was one so this is the second solar system inserted inside the orbital vacancy left when Beetle sun novaed to a shrunken magnetar.  Sol is now the inheritor of a prior system and a newly created one.  An amalgam of planets.  

Oddly, this configuration has not been allowed expression in science altho the infatuation with colliding galaxies knows no bounds.  

Chances for extraterrestrial life, since we don’t like to recognize the competition here, are immeasurably lowered due to having a system inside a bubble nova.  

For the creationists:  the answer.

For the alienists:  the answer.  

For the mythologizers:  all true.   

For the scientists:  facts

Miles Mathis notices the similarities between Earth and Saturn.  

MilesMathis on Enceladus:
Wiki on Enceladus:
The "salty" composition of the plume strongly suggests that its source is a subsurface salty ocean or subsurface caverns filled with salty water.[62] Alternatives such as the clathrate sublimation hypothesis can not explain how "salty" particles form.[61] Additionally, Cassini found traces of organic compounds in some dust grains.[61][63] Enceladus is therefore a candidate for harboring extraterrestrial life.[64]
The presence of liquid water under the crust implies that there is an internal heat source. It is now thought to be a combination of radioactive decay and tidal heating,[65][66] as tidal heating alone is not sufficient to explain the heat. Mimas, another of Saturn's moons, is closer to the planet and has a much more eccentric orbit, meaning it should be exposed to far greater tidal forces than Enceladus, and yet its old and scarred surface implies that it is geologically dead.[67]l

This paper then is a night-time version of food for thought. 

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