LOH stars baffle us with their magnificent magnetic field. A star that is a magnetar that for all intents and purposes is a normal sequence star of modest magnetic field. Their discovery is due to bursts and flares ---magnetar-like activity---from a pulsar whose magnetic field is very low.
Our science has only just begun to be able to determine these kinds of stars of which only two are identified. Science projects that stars that nova into neutrons are dependent upon their weight to become red, white, decaying into brown and black. These are the normal outcomes for novas in which beautiful photographs of the expelled gas field vividly shine in x-ray emissions.
In the center, most unusually exactly the center, sits the nova remnant. In looking at the Crab Pulsar, science has now determined there is no significant gravity wave emission. That would indicate massive magnetic field in play. The Crab is surrounded by the gases from the nova that created the neutron. Are the gases an indication that the magnetic field has weakened after creating the neutron?
In our new class of LOH stars like SGR 0418 there is no accompanying gas cloud, just the neutron. Where did the gas go?
In creating a LOH star like SGR 0418 the magnetic field controls the implosion so that the mass compresses into a neutron but clearly the gas must expand when heated. How strong would the magnetic field have to be to hold the gas from expansion into space?
I propose a LOH star is created in a two-step process. First the nova creates the neutron under a dense magnetic field with the gases in an outer envelope but held from escaping. Because of the strength of the magnetic field this event would be recognized as a brief nova before fading immediately into black. The neutron writhes with massive magnetic fields trapped inside; the magnetic field having much less strength but still powerful cloaks the neutron with a gas shell of normal magnetism. The gas is conserved and no expanding nova is seen.
If this scenario is at all possible it may be able to explain the missing mass. Our galaxy, indeed our universe, may have been much denser with thick plasma. As the roiling gases created the magnetic fields that actively compressed, this action would have made the main sequence stars we see. Only as the stars shed energy would the internal field of massive magnetism be able to be identified through intermittent flaring.
As the universe we now see is thin with gas, it is probable that most all stars are hidden magnetic strongholds under a thin veneer of light magnetism?
This site even states that dead/dying neutrons stars litter the universe. O Manuel ‘s Iron Sun
supports this concept of our Sol being a neutron star functioning with neutron repulsion fueling the CMEs and flares.
It would seem strange after all this time searching for the missing link between magnetism and gravity, first proposed by Maxwell then restated in Einstein’s Relativity theory that calls for the Higgs bosun still unfound, that there is actually some entity called dark energy or dark matter that exists out there.
What we actually see is magnetism. And now that satellite technology allows us to peer farther all we see is magnetism. If the extent of our technology is waiting for flaring to id a magnetic star hiding behind low magnetism, then why is it not possible for most of our stars to be super magnetic with a low surface magnetism? It is actually.
The above noted paper says it takes millions (billions) of years for a magnetic star to degrade; well the universe is old enough for that event to showcase itself. And it would do that by flaring, CMEs, sunspots, etc., through the low surface magnetic field. There would be no formations as that happened far in the past; all we would see now is the gradual degradation of the energy being released.
First, the surface magnetic field would degrade with more and more erosion of the light magnetic field with the stronger field underneath becoming prevalent which we would notice as a strongly magnetic star. The gas field I propose that is held over the strong magnetic field would be blown off perhaps in small increments as would be experienced in a polar magnetic reversal or as a small planetary nova, exposing the underlying strong field. This in turn would degrade via NR. O Manuel presents a strong case.
We look heaven-ward and perhaps what we see is the missing dark matter/dark energy. Held within in the normal stars could the the magnetism that allows gravity to hold sway. The release of the neutron repulsion may restore our missing balance between anti-matter and matter. LOH magnetic stars may the the simple answer.
Our star Sol is so perfectly round that scientists say there must be a mechanism unaccounted for to create and hold this shape. It brings to mind another beautifully centered object 1E161348-5055 in the middle of RCW 103 slowing much too fast to be only 2.000 y old.
These complex molecules may indicate life was anticipated as Freeman Dyson said. It is not that we are the apex of attainment; it is just that our Sol has done 90% of the work and only 10% was left for life to finish up. Voila! C’est ici!
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