shed magnetic field, like snow flakes, will shower Earth and the
surrounding bodies with magnetic flakes. These strong energy balls will
be responsible for immediate dna mutations, instant emplaced cold
bodies, interruptions of planetary communications and possibly permanent
damage to the existing energy grid.
our heliosphere an ongoing expansion of the electron/hole pairs will
reach a maximum and begin contracting rapidly. This instant-on
contraction will create a ripple effect that will knock the flakes off
the sun and begin our catastrophic global weather. All heated cores
will seek to release heat.
effect due to the sudden contraction of the electron/hole pairs will
create a dense body correctly termed an LT (light terminus) starbit.
It will be a miniature neutron star too small to be seen. This body
will exercise pull on all bodies in the heliosphere. It could be as
limited as the compression wave or as maximized as to draw Earth's
lithosphere upward from a focused point.
effect was maximized perhaps 25,000 y ago at the sudden end of the
iceage. The Earth was within the energy stream of the electron/holes
not protected by the heliosphere which had been reduced to possibly
Mercury. The ice cover was responsible for maintaining Earth-like
conditions and preventing a Mars event here on Earth. The reoccurring
energy stream of compression cycles at 5,000 y; each returning event
less energetic and compressing less of the heliosphere. Earth has been
inside the heliosphere since the 25,000 y event. We are not able to
escape the effects of the sun flakes tho. The heat release from the
core is also inescapable.
area of edginess that is termed BC in the electric universe is where
matter and antimatter meet; a layer of Majorana fermions. In the past
this layer has been on the face of the Earth, perhaps facilitated by the
sun flakes of magnetic energy. Our current compression is outside the
Earth and will not produce the antigravity phenomena that is the
hallmark of the Majorana fermions interactions.
inescapable conclusion drawn is the our smarter selves had advanced to
our level before the Majorana interactions began to end at perhaps
15,000 y ago. We have evidently resurrected ourselves to this level
many times.
the energy is decreasing over time is due to the source. I believe it
to be either a LT starbit known as Proxima Centauri shedding neutrinos
that produce the energy stream of electron/hole pairs or an unknown
factor outside the heliosphere possibly the galactic nucleus.
It is inevitable that the energy stream release will be identified as a gravity wave.
This is an older paper I need to update; I think that this NASA plan to smack the Moon is tied to our sun's current ongoing magnetic reversal. The increased magnetic field of current time is going to depart with the reversal.
How do you 'freeze in' a magnetic field? Douse it in a stronger magnetic field. Water increases the effect of the magnetic field. Our pre history is indicative of a strong magnetic field on Earth that may have been global temporarily or even sporadic globally. Since we are not able to recreate this field energy here the only other option is to try to use what provided the field before; the sun's magnetic reversal.
NASA says the sun flakes off its old magnetic field; if this is true NASA hopes to use the field to submerge the Earth. Whatever field exists at that time will be frozen in. We are currently experiencing a higher degree of magnetism which I believe is due to the nearly-departed LT starbit. The sun's magnetic reversal has been predicted now due and late.
The NASA satellites due to impact the Moon tomorrow are a calculated effort to strike the sun with enough energy to initiate the flaking of the old magnetic field or to disturb the sun sufficiently to bathe E with a direct impact of solar magnetic field. This bath of magnetic field discard would be sufficient to 'set' the magnetic field in place permanently. This is desirable.
But I wonder if the interpretation of the sun discarding its old magnetic field is correct. Does the sun flake its old magnetic field? On NASA sun website is a post referencing a CME doing a somersault and another of a solar flare reaching up into the coronasphere to 'draw in' an expended cme. It appears the sun does not like to have departing energy dwaddle. If so then the old magnetic field would have to depart in a big hurry.
Were those round balls seen in the coronasphere of the sun magnetic energy? Has the sun been shedding energy all along and we did not know it? Are those balls of light blazing across states actually old magnetic fields of the sun?
This smack the moon is a way to discover if the sun's magnetic field is still there. The vibrations will 'ring the moon' and as is evident the sun will echo these vibrations. We see this activity in earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and impacts from space on our Earth and the other bodies of the sun.
Will this smack the moon make the sun drop its old magnetic field? If it is still there? Such a small impact but still it should tell us whether the sun's magnetic field is whole or in part. If the sun is shedding it magnetic field in drops that would explain why the Earth in history has fragmented magnetic fields as described.
How do you 'freeze in' a magnetic field? Will we find out when NASA smacks the Moon December 16, 2012 Monday?
ReplyDeleteWhen SunDo rocketed through the clouds and created synchronized water crystals spinning did it actually create a frozen in field of magnetism?
Will the vibrations that are created when the Moon is 'rung like a bell' set our current magnetic field into place permanently?
2013 It appears smack the moon was an effort to determine if the sun was responsive to the planets. Apparently not. It also now appears science has long known about the variability of the magnetic reversals and the effects the sun experiences such as emissions from the equator, stronger radiation, and changes in the shape of the magnetosheath that hold Earth in constant radiation. This produces the 'condensed' weather we are experiencing. One also suspects science knows the 'hold pattern' of magnetic reversals produce an energy blast that may be responsible for Earth catastrophes depending on whether we are in the stream or not.